Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bypass your School and Work Filters with an Anonymous Proxy Server

With the proliferation of the Internet, many websites promote themselves by sending you spam junk mails, advertisings and even embed spyware that is difficult to remove onto your computer. These things not only keep track of your personal information, but also enable hackers and crackers to infiltrate your system. Anonymous proxy servers act as a wall between your data and the Internet, whereby providing security to your system and data. There are however, other reasons to use an anonymous proxy server.

If your work or school has any type of filtering in place to prevent people from visiting certain websites, an anonymous proxy server is a great way to get around such restrictions. Anonymous proxy servers work by acting as a "middle man"; they download the requested pages to their proxy server and in turn you download the page, all images and other such objects from the proxy server to your browser, thus bypassing any filters or annoying firewalls. Not only is this a viable alternative for students to bypass their school's filter to access such popular student sites such as Myspace or Xanga but can be used if your workplace has strict limitations on which websites you can access. Most anonymous proxy bypass servers use one of two program, PHProxy or CGIProxy, both of which are excellent proxy software packages.

After you have discovered the benefits of using anonymous proxy servers, you will probably want to try it out. There are numerous free proxy services out there, one of the most popular is SpySurfing ( ) and is a really fast proxy server that is popular among both students look to bypass their school filters and adults looking to bypass their work place firewalls.

Steve Avery,

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